AAAC (An Autonomous Agents Choreo, 2016) is an abstract generative animation video created through code and user interaction in which a flock of autonomous agents governed by physical laws of attraction-repulsion is subjected to the will of a geometric choreography. Throughout the audiovisual piece the flock of autonomous agents is distributed against nature into different geometric patterns which vary the general perception of colour, shape, texture and rhythm.
The germinal idea of this project emerged when in the summer of 2016 I was diving in the Mediterranean Sea and I was hypnotized by the harmonious and at the same time unpredictable dance of sea anemones shaken by the sea current. Underwater, paralyzed by that visual siren song, I thought it would be interesting to put anemones under strict geometric choreography and move that instant of calm and hypnosis to an audiovisual piece.
Everything in excess is opposed to nature.

Immerse yourself in the symphony of color, shape, texture, and rhythm orchestrated by autonomous agents in AAAC.
That summer (2016) I was reading the book The Nature of Code (natureofcode.com) by Daniel Shiffman and in its 6th chapter he talks about the concept of autonomous agent. This generally refers to “an entity that makes its own decisions about how to act in its environment without the influence of a preconceived global leader or plan”.
From there I found out that in the late eighties, computer science scientist Craig Reynolds developed algorithmic behaviors for autonomous agents. I quickly associated the use of autonomous agents as a technical possibility for the implementation of that artistic idea.
Finally I provided autonomous agents with the behaviors of separation, alignment and cohesion, so that they behave collectively as a flock of agents and imitate the majestic movement of the sea anemone.

CC BY SA (original by Fabrizio P.).
In the design of a choreographic director element that acted in the role of the marine current and that agitated the autonomous agents, I finally opted for the use of a dynamic vector field. This allowed me to pre-design different geometric spaces where the agents could move in supposed harmony. I explored different geometric designs: circles, spirals, rectangles, triangles, hexagons, mosaics, waves, … or by means of sinusoidal or noise (gaussian, perlin or simplex) formulas.
The search for geometrical vector fields was key to get a uniform distribution of agents in the audiovisual scene. The fundamental goal, besides obtaining a visually appealing pattern, was to avoid holes or depopulated areas of agents, maintaining a uniform distribution of the agents all around the environment. That is why I generated algorithmically more than a hundred vector fields and I tested how the agents moved in them. Most were discarded because after a short time of simulation they produced unattractive movements of agents or depopulated areas were created.
In the design of the colors of the agents, I considered from the beginning that there was a close relationship between the movement of agents and their color. After different ideas, I chose to tie the color to the direction vector of the agents, so that all those agents that move in the same direction have the same color. The color palette of the agents changes depending on the geometry of the vector field.

The soundtrack of AAAC (An Autonomous Agents Choreo) is also a generative audio work created through code and user interaction in which the movement and bustle of the flock of autonomous agents generates its own musical score. The physical features of the agents (velocity, acceleration and position in the space) and the forces generated by the vectorial field which shakes them are some of the parameters used in the audio synthesis. The generative instruments and sinusoidal waves used for the interpretation of the sound space, their frequencies and rhythms change according to the geometrical pattern adopted by the flock of agents.

The code that rules the behaviour of the flock of agents has been developed using Java & Processing as the programming language. The code that rules the behaviour of the flock of agents and the agitator vectorial field sends messages through the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol to a code developed using Chuck as the programming language for real-time sound synthesis and the music creation of the sound space.
NOV 2024
Media Palimpsests and New Narratives
Media Palimpsests and New Narratives (16th Nov, 2024): An exploration of distortion, fragmentation, and the reconstruction of memory, identity, and perception. Hanshan Art Museum. Jiangsu, Suzhou – China.
OCT 2024
XEC Interplay – International Student Experimental and Video Art Showcase. XJTLU University, School of Cultural Technology. Taicang, Suzhou. China.
JUL 2023
Lisbon Animated Film Festival (13th -18th July, 2023) in the section Spanish Abstract Films curated by PuntoyRayaFestival. Cinema City Alvalade, Lisbon. Portugal. https://monstrafestival.com/
MAR 2023
Alchimies Numériques
Collective Exhibition “Alchimies Numériques” (30th March – 13th May, 2023) curated by Pablo M. Cordoba at IMMIXgalerie. Espace Jemmapes, Paris. France. https://immixgalerie.fr/
DEC 2021
Future Vision Festival 2021
Moving Paintings. A celebration of unusual animation. Tokio (Japan), Amsterdam (Netherlands) & Online (Dec, 2021). http://futurevisionfestival.fayheady.com/
OCT 2021
SPANISH SHORT FILM PANORAMA (19th Oct, 2021). World premiere of a video selection illustrating the Abstract Film production in Spain. PJAIT & Instituto Cervantes. Warsaw, Poland. https://www.puntoyrayafestival.com/tv/streaming/503
NOV 2020
Art Machines: Past & Present
Collective exhibition Art Machines: Past & Present (24th Nov, 2020 – 21th Feb 2021) at the City University of Hong Kong. Computer Animation section curated by Larry Cuba. https://www.cityu.edu.hk/bg/exhibitions/art-machines
OCT 2020
Fringe Arts Bath 2020
Phantom Perspectives – Fringe Arts Bath 2020. Curated by Jenna McDonald. https://www.fringeartsbath.co.uk/
SEP 2020
MACA (Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante). Collection “Cigarreras” curated by ACOA (Contemporary artists from Alicante). Alicante (Spain). https://alcvideoartfestival.pb.studio/
JAN 2020
New Abstractions
Collective exhibtion “New Abstractions” at Ospizio Giovani Artisti. (7-18th January 2020). Rome, Italy. http://ospiziogiovaniartisti.com
DEC 2019
Festival D’Art Digital i Electrònic de Mallorca. (24th – 25th, May 2019). Palma de Mallorca. Balears. Spain. http://2019.functionfest.com
SEP 2019
Besides the Screen 2019
Graphic Intelligences & Algorithmic Fictions. (9-12th Sept 2019). Vitoria & São Paulo (Brasil). http://besidesthescreen.com
SEP 2019
Unseen Festival 2019
Counterpath – Denver, Colorado. (20-29th Sept 2019). USA.
DEC 2018
“THE GEOMETRICAL COLLECTION” exhibition at Ospizio Giovani Artisti (6th – 17th December, 2018). Rome. Italy. http://www.ospiziogiovaniartisti.com
JUL 2018
FILE 2018
Festival Electronic Language International 2018. FILEOnline VideoArt Program (July 3rd to August 12th, 2018). Sao Paulo, Brazil. https://file.org.br
JUN 2018
Art All Night
Trenton: 6th Annual Film Festival. (16th June, 2018). New Jersey. USA.
JAN 2018
OGA VideoArt Exhibitions 2018/19
OGA (Ospizio Giovani Artisti) VideoArt Exhibitions 2018/2019. Rome. Italy.
JAN 2018
15th Frames Film Festival
(January 15th – 17th, 2018). SIES College of Arts, Science & Commerce. Nerul, Mumbai. India.
NOV 2017
CutOut Fest 2017
International Animation & Digital Art Festival (9th – 12th November, 2017). Col. Centro Histórico Querétaro. Mexico. http://cutoutfest.com/
Nov 2017
EXPOCINEMA Festival (November 9th, 2017 – March 3rd, 2018). Cittadella, Padova. Italy.
OCT 2017
“Possible Futures” (October 3rd – 7th, 2017) at Mansarda Bastion Theresia. Timisoara, Rumania.
SEP 2017
TIVAF 2017
Tasmanian International Video Art Festival (Sept 1st – 23rd, 2017) at Sawtooth ARI Gallery. Tasmania, Australia. http://www.tivaf.org/
JUL 2017
SICAF 2017
Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (July 26th – 30th 2017). Seoul, Republic of Korea. http://sicaf.org/
JUN 2017
SHORTS@FRINGE | ANIMAPIX+12 (June 1st – 3rd, 2017). Azores, Portugal.
MAY 2017
Bogotá Experimental Film Festival
CineAutopsia – International Films (May 2nd – 9th, 2017). Colombia.
OCT 2016
October 20th – 23rd, 2016 at Center for Art and Media | ZKM, Karlsruhe. Germany.
OCT 2016
MCCC Project “Sound & Vision”.
Monthly Creative Coding Collaboration Project. Online.